Reading Comprehension Ability of Grade Ten Students

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Central Department of Education English
This is a study on Reading Comprehension Ability of Grade Ten Students. It aimed at finding out the reading comprehension ability of grade ten students in term of; discovering main idea, identifying details, finding out the meaning of vocabulary and summarizing the information after reading. This study also comparedthe comprehension ability of male and female students. Itwas based on survey design. Non-random purposive sampling procedure was used to select the forty students studying in Grade 10 from 2 public schools of Dang district as the sample. Test itemswere used as the research tools in this study. The collected data were analyzed and interpreted in the form of table and descriptions. The statistical tools like mean, standard deviation and z- testwere used to analyze and interpret the data. The major findings showed that students had partially acceptable proficiency in readingon the basis of Secondary Education Examination. In comparison to male students, the proficiency of female students was low in both seen and unseen text. The students’ proficiency level was satisfactory inidentifying details whereastheir proficiency level was very in sufficient insummarizing the informationon the basis of S.E.E. grading system. The thesis consists of five chapters. The first chapter is an introductory chapter. It includes background of the study, statement of problem, objectives of the study, research questions, significance of the study, delimitations of the study and operational definition of the key terms. The second chapter deals review of theoretical literature, review of related empirical literature, implications of the review for the study and conceptual framework of the study. The third chapter deals with methodology which incorporates research design and method, population, sample and sampling strategy, field/area of the study, data collection tools and techniques, data collection procedures and data analysis and interpretation procedure. The fourth chapter deals with the rigorous analysis of data and interpretation of results along with the summary of the findings. The fifthchapter presents the conclusion and recommendations of this research in different levels such as policy related, practice related and further research related ones. References and appendices form are the concluding part of the thesis.
Reading, Comprehension, Ability, Students