Effectiveness of Story Telling Technique for Developing Speaking Skill of the Ninth Graders

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Department of English Education
The present thesis entitled 'Effectiveness of Storytelling Technique in Developing Speaking Skill of the Ninth Graders' aims at finding out effectiveness of telling different stories such as fable, fairy tale, folk tale, personal story, religious story, traditional story and so on as a teaching material in developing speaking comprehension. The researcher herself was involved in the experimental teaching for the purpose of carrying out the research. The test items were developed for the collection of data. The researcher collected data form the sampled population of sixty students of grade nine of a government-aided school. The total students were given a pre-test in order to test their speaking ability. On the basis of the pre- test result, the students were divided into two groups based on odd and even ranking of their individual scores. Both the groups were taught for about a month keeping in different class. Apart from the textbook Group A was taught with different stories whereas Group B was taught the materials from the textbook of grade IX. Then the result of the two groups were compared to find out the effectiveness of storytelling technique in teaching speaking comprehension. It was found that different stories as a teaching material has relatively a better impact in teaching speaking comprehension. The present thesis has been divided into five chapters. Chapter one is an introduction to the research. It includes the general background, statements of the problems, objectives of the study, research question, and significance of the study, delimitation of the study and operational definition of the key terms. Chapter two includes the review of theoretical literature, review of empirical literature, implication of the related review and conceptual framework. Chapter three includes the methodology adopted to carry out the research. In other words, it includes design of the study, population and sample, sampling procedure, data collection tools, data collection procedures. Chapter four consists of an analysis and interpretation of the data and summary of the findings. Chapter five consists of the conclusion of the study and recommendation for further research.