Knowledge and Use of Contraception in Madhesi Community (A Comparative Study of Hindu and Islam Women In Ramgram Municipality, Nawalparasi District)

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Department of Population Studies
Family Planning is the major component of reproductive health. It can save human lives by controlling unwanted pregnancy, limiting the number of birth, living to the healthiest age, avoid unsafe abortion, preventing transmission of sexual transmitted disease in one hand and on the other hand it directly controls fertility and population growth. This study based on primary data, collected from 120 households in ward no. 3 of Ramgram Municipality, 64 households of Hindu and 56 households of Islam. Altogether 120 married women of reproductive ages (15-49) were successfully interviewed. The main objective of this study is to examine knowledge, attitude and practices and traditional value, religious restriction about family planning in two different religious groups. Among the Islam respondents, 57.1 percent's of occupation is housewife and 53.1 percent Hindu respondent have their main occupation is agriculture. More than 52 percent Islam and 50 percent of Hindu respondent annual income of household is more than Rs. 20,000. The mean age at marriage of both religious respondent is 15 year. It is quite encouraging to know that cent percent Hindu respondents have heard contraception devices where as 87.5 percent Islam respondents have knowledge of contraceptive devices. Condom is the most popular method of contraceptives among Hindu and Pill, Sterilization is the most popular method among Islam. About one in five (21.4 percent) Islam and three in five (60.9 percent) Hindu Women are currently using contraception. Among them 6 Islam and 11 Hindu have faced side effects in various way like Headache, weakness etc. vii Most of the Hindu and Islam visit Health Center or Hospital for FP services. No one said that there is any traditional restriction to use family planning among Hindu where as 71.4 percent Islam respondent have said that there is religious restriction to use family planning method. Among non-users of FP method majority of Islam (73.2%) have said it is against religious restriction and husband discourage. While majority of Hindu (29.6%) have said husband discourage.