Revolt of Working Class People in O’Neill’s The Hairy Ape

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Department of English
This research analyzes the revolt of working class against upper class caused by the antagonistic relationship between them in Eugene O'Neill's famous drama The Hairy Ape. Yank, a fireman in the ocean liner, wants to free himself from the alienation and dehumanization of capitalism. Humiliating treatment of Yank’s owners and their capitalist friends compels workers to revolt against dehumanization of those capitalists and entertain the life full of justice, rights and equity. Along with Yank and his working class friend, Mildred and other upper class people have been victimized by capitalism in the play. Though upper class ignores working class people, upper class also get trapped in the chains of capitalist society which is full of artificialities, but their class consciousness does not allow them to revolt against the society. But class consciousness of Yank as well as other workers tells them to revolt against government, law and religion that support only capitalists without caring proletariats. In the play Yank and his worker friends pour their anger directly and indirectly upon upper class and their mechanisms which is of course a sign of their revolt.