The Socio-Economic and Demographic Status of Tamang Community,Lalitpur (A Case Study of Tamang Community of Gotikhel Vdc)

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Department of Population Studies
This study entitled "The socio-economic and demographic status of Tamang community of Gotikhel VDC, Lalitpur was conducted from August 26 to February 15,2010 The study is in descriptive nature. The study was carried out to assess the knowledge attitude and practice of Tamang community about socio- economic and demographic status. The socio-economic and demographic status The socio- economic aspect is prevalent in all societies and tribes though it differs from place to place, society to society and country to country. It may be noted that it covers the life span of a man even before his birth and extends after his death. The level of the income determines the development of community and country. So, the key indicator of development is socio-economic aspect. The educational status of Tamang is miserable. They are only 40% literate where as the national literacy rate is 54%. The reason behind it is early marriage, consciousless about education and school leaving trend. That is why Tamang people donot have knowledge about birth spacing and they have high birth rate as well as large size of family. Which is supporting for the high PGR of nation. Their occupation also plays a vital role in achieving higher education. Only 1.9% of Tamang are Masters Degree holder. Due to their occupation they are affected in family structure. They prefer to live together with joint family for long decades. It is the main reason for getting backward in every sector in context to Nepal. The economy is the main the source of livelihood. Every society needs to develop its economic aspect for overall development .To develop the community of every ethnic group there should be good fiscal policy. The law income source is regarded as backwardness of the community.The economic status determines purchasing power, standard of living, quality of life, family size, the pattern of diseases and deviant behavior in the country.All most all Tamang communities, Tamangs are found skillful. They do have fine arts. They are found being engaged in handicraft, wooden craft, meson, field worker and labor. The service holder and business holder are few. Their main occupation is agriculture. That is why they are found as a backward caste and poor, The occupational status determines the standard of living. The living standard and quality of life is difficult to maintain by low income sources, Most of Tamangs live in Hill region. So their economic progress is seemed low comparing to Terai region Tamangs. Tamangs are very good creators of handicraft items but the extra income generated by selling them barely manage to make a livelihood out of it. Nowadays they are involved in making yield and wine as the main income. They want to live together forming crowd village .The main croups produced and used by them are wheat, millet, maize, potato, paddy etc. Nepal is having country having many ethnic groups with their mother tongue the main habitants of Tamangs are the hillside near the Kathmandu valley.