Socio-Economic Status of Kumal Community Chhatradev Rural Municipality wada 2&7, Arghakhanchi

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Faculty of Sociology
Nepal is a country of multiplicity. Here are various kinds of castes and races ofpeople.They have different types of customs, culture and tradition. These culture,traditions and customs are the recognition of ourcountry.Among various castes andraces of people,kumal are one of the them.There are 80 householdsin Arghakhanchidistrict Chhatradev Rural Municipality ward no 2 and 7. Socio-economic andeducational status ofkumal community along with their relation to other people hasbeen studied in this research. The present study focuses on the changing socio-culture and economy condition ofkumal and factors responsible for it the kumal of ethnicgroup is least studies groupby native and foreign sociologist. The way of work ping their village decries, believedin spinets typical dress pattern and cluster typeof settlementpattern instantlydifferfrom other ethic group. On onehand due to the domination of high castes,Kumal areloosing their native cultural philosophy of life style.Self confidence about their owntraditions language and beliveby on the hand. Due to the dominationof high castes,some significant changes are seen in education,health sector,sanitation, economicactivities and life styleof kumalcommunityof Chhatradev Rular municipality. This thesis isdivided into six chapters. The first chapter includesbackground studyarea,objectivesof the study,the importanceof the study area and its limitations.In thebackground , thegeneral introductionof kumal isshortly sketched.Similarlychaptertwo includes literature review. Different models of theory such as Dependencytheory,World system theory,gender perspectiveandmoderationhavebeenused inthis study. The third chapter enlightens about the method of the thesis how descriptive andexplanatory model in data collection is used.The main sub-titles areresearch design,sampling method, nature and source of data collection technique. Primary andsecondary datahas been usedforquestionnaire. Chapter four incorporatessetting of the study such as physical featureof the study,economy, agriculture, natural resource, settlement Pattern, physical appearance(dress) food habit,division of labor, language and sociocultural feature and so mayconnecting pattern.Fifthchapterincludesdataanalysis and presentation.Differenttableshas been used topresent the studied data and analyzed by descriptive method.Sixth chapter incorporates the summary of the whole study following with the majorfindings of the study. In this way, the thesis has beendesigned in six differentchapters.