Difficulties Encountered in Learning Transformation Geometry

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Department of Mathematics Education
This is case study entitled" The learning difficulties in transformation geometry at secondary level" the purpose of this study was to identify the learning difficulties transformation geometry and find the way for minimizing difficulties. This study is conducted at ShreeBalrampursecondary school in Rupandehi. It is qualitative research in descriptive nature. The data was collected of this study with interview, class observation and class test. The populations of this study were selected purposively from Rupandehidistrict. I had selected 10 students from ShreeBalrampursecondary school with the permission of the head teacher, mathematics teacher and interested students. The researcher made an interview with concerning the students, math teacher, and head teacher, and then the collected data were analyzed by descriptive method. The finding of the study shows that there were lots of difficulties. One component of arising difficulties on learning process in transformation geometry was the pre-knowledge and poor geometrical background of students and another was the traditional teachingby both trained and untrainedteacher. They teach exam oriented. The students faced difficulties on transformation geometry teaching and learning process because lack of using instructional material, non-effective teaching learning management, negligence for doing homework, due to lack of time and students are poor, irregular cannot give sufficient time in other than optional mathematics. Teacher generally traditional teaching method like lecture method and using teaching material. To minimize such kinds of difficulties there should must be student centered. Students had given opportunity to work along and together in the class.Continuous assessment system should be taken in practices.