Motivational factors for selecting optional mathematics at secondary level

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Department of Mahematics Education
The main target of this research was to find out the motivational factor toselect optional mathematics atsecondary level. The research was conducted in only on school Omega Higher Secondary School Kumaripati, Lalitpur by purposive sampling method. The tools used in data collection procedure are class observation noteand face to face interview for students, optional mathematics teacher, parents and principal of the school.The obtained data was collected on the basis of conceptual understanding of the study and then data was analyzed by descriptive survey. Though the nature of the study was qualitative to achieve the objectives. The previousstudy of research reports and journals were guide to the study. The researcher categorized themotivationalfactors into four different parts as: Students related factor, parents related factor, teacher related factor, science and technology related factor. The above motivational factors are due toschool policy of admission,student’sgood pre-knowledge,and regularity, labor in learning mathematics, good economic and educational back ground of parents, teachers’ motivation towards students, good qualityof teacher, proper teaching learning environment and better opportunityof mathematics rather than other subject. Overall, student’s interest and positive feeling, pre concept of mathematics, positive explanation about mathematics from teacher, parents and other person side and school policy motivated the students in optional mathematics. Hence, this research was successful to identify the motivational factors forselecting optional mathematics atsecondary level.