Goethe's Faustas a Satire on Christianity

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Department of English
Goethe's Faust lacks self-knowledge and understanding of the world. Life as a whole is full of bitter experiences for him. He runs for sensation to minimize the frustration and to satisfy his strong sexual urges. Worldly comfort and pleasure occupies his mind. So, he is in conflict from within. Therefore, his love for God and spiritual quest is in a question. He is practically a spiritual failure. Dishonesty in love proves him nothing more than a criminal. Faust is guided by passion and greed in every step of life. He is an adulterer. He is cruel because he betrays Gretchen. He behaves like an anti christian. But, Faust's soul gets entry to the heavenly kingdom and unites him to the God despite his cruelty. Sinners should confess before the God for salvation but Faust never does so. Goethe, through his protagonist satirizes on Christianity that is deviating itself in practice from its ideology.