Language Used in Newspaper Interviews

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Department of English Education
The present study entitled 'Language Used in Newspapers Interviews' is an attempt to find out the kind of language and its characteristics used in the interviews in terms of question types, sentence types, tense, voice and aspect. The study sought to find out whether the language used in interviews was different from the language used in other fields. Since the research work is a library based one, the data for this study which are the samples of interviews were collected from three different daily newspapers namely, The Kathmandu Post, The Rising Nepal and The Himalayan Times. Thirty interviews, ten from each were selected from the newspapers understudy. The required data were collected by using checklist as the main tool and arranged systematically under different headings. The main findings of this research show that the open ended questions, complex sentences, active voice and non-past tense were found to be maximally used in interviews of all three English newspapers published from Nepal. This research consists of four chapters. The first chapter deals with general background of the study, mass media and its significance, mass media and its impact in Nepal, media and language, print media, newspaper and introduction to interview, types of interview, principle of interview, review of the related literature, objectives, significance and definition of the terms of the study. Chapter two deals with the methodology adopted for the completion of the study, tools for data collection, process of data collection and limitations of the study. Similarly, chapter three deals with the analysis and interpretation of the collected data for the study from different newspapers using simple statistical tools like average and percentage. Chapter four presents the findings and some recommendations based on the analysis and interpretation of the collected data. At the end references and appendices have been included.