Joseph Conrad's Nostromo as a Parable of Colonial Exploitation

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Faculty of English
The objective of this thesis is to explore colonial exploitation in Joseph Conrd's Nostromo. The novel is the story of revolution in Latin American Republicans against the colonialist's exploitation on poor and native people. There are social, political, cultural and economic exploitation. The exploitation has risen to the unification among poor and to the revolution to get the equal excess to every field. The colonialists who colonized the country are controlling natural resources and the natives are being used as workers just for hand to mouth. The native poor people who are the real owner of the land have been sidelined with the use of power. It gives an acute sense of domination among the native poor people and that works as the fuel to their revolution to get back control over the natural resources. The novel is full of colonial exploitation. So, this thesis is an attempt to link that story with the postcolonial theory.