Emerson and His Vision of Divine Purity in Nature

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Department of English
Emerson's emphasis on faith in the divine principle, his consequent positive vision, affirmation to purity in nature, purity of the self despite the skeptical vision of his contemporaries, the reverence of most American people and others as leading personality, have put him in the position to reconsider his personality. His emphasis on faith as a tool to enter into the divinity is enthusiastically supportive as his emphasis lies on the principle that faith in the divine discloses the undiscovered region within the self. Various oriental Hindu scriptures, saintly personalities, learned scholars of the west (not to include the most) stress on the need to cultivate faith in the divinity in order to pave the path towards spiritual progress. The material/ephemeral progress counts least to those who are on the path to spiritual progress. Emerson's simple life, his reiteration on faith in the divine principle, hisextraordinary vision or the vision of the presence of the divine aspect in naturalphenomena, hisdescription of the self as great, perfect and sacred provides us clues toprove the fact that he had strong faith in the presence of divine purity in nature.Consequently, he was capable of intermixing the material with the spiritual nature andpresenting the divine as simple, practical truth.