Practices of ICT Tools in Teaching Mathematics

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Department of Mathematics Education
The study entitled “Practices of ICT tools in teaching mathematics “aims to examine the use of ICT tools in teaching mathematics and identify teacher's practices ICT tools in teaching mathematics. The data were collected by questionnaire to 152 teachers from 50 schools of Kathmandu district. The respondents were selected by simple random sampling method. The survey design was conducted to achieve the objectives of the study. The score of 1,2,3,4,5 were used to the skill in favor of always, frequently , sometime, rarely and never these five points of Likert scale was adopted were asked to indicator their options with tick (..) mark.The statistical toolsMann-Whitney u test were used to find out significance difference between mean scores of teachers the use of ICT in teaching mathematics. The collected data was tabulated and analyzed by using SPSS software version 21.0 to get the value of statistics percentage, mean and standard deviation for objective first and second respectively. By analyzing and interpretation of obtained data, the researcher found that maximum teachers do not used ICT tools regularly in the mathematics classroom. More than one fourth percentage of teacher using ICT in daily whenever required and that percentage is very poor in maximum ICT tools which indicates that maximum of them are poorly using it in their daily activities in school. It is conclude that there is no significant difference in the use of ICT tools between private and public schools, male and female age groups, teaching experiences, job position and ICT using experience. This study also shows that maximum secondary school’s mathematics teacher has minimum practices in ICT tools.