Activities Used by female Teachers in Eltclassroom Management

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Faculty of Education
The present study entitled “Activities usedbyFemale Teachers in ELTClassroomManagement”aimed to find out classroom management activitiesused by secondary level female English teachers of Kathmandu district.Theprimarysourceswere fiveteacherswithfour classes of each.The populationwas selected by usingpurposivenon random sampling procedure.Interviewquestionnaires and class observation checklists were used as thetools of thestudy. It wasfound thatteachers used techniques like use of teaching materials,motivation,warm upactivities, providing feedback, use of rhetoric language,frequent walking in the classroom, self checking and peer checking,use oflesson plan, group divisions, managing physical facilities etc. This thesisconsists of fivechapters. Chapteronedealwith the introductionwhich includesbackgroundof the study, statement of the problems, objectivesof the study, research questions, significance of the study, delimitation of thestudy, operational definition of the key terms. Chapter twoincludethereview ofrelated literature, review ofempirical literature, implication of the review forthe study, conceptual framework.Chapter three containmethods and procedureof the studythat includesdesign of the study,population, sample and samplingstrategy,research tool, sources of data,data collectionprocedure,dataanalysisprocedure and ethical consideration. In chapter four, analysisandinterpretationhas beenpresentedindifferent tables.Thechapter fiveincludemajorfindings, conclusionand recommendations followed byreferences and appendices.