A Study on the Proficiency in the Use of Causative Verbs

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Department of English Language Education
This the sishas been carried out to find out the proficiency of the10 the graders in the use of causative verbs. This study attempts to find out the Proficiency of Grade ten students in the use of causative verbs in terms of rural and urban area and sex. To carry out this research, 200 students (25 from each school)studying in four community schools of Makwanpur district were selected randomly. For collecting data, a set of test items consisting of five items was developed and administered to the students. The answer sheets were checked carefully and data were analyzed and interpreted using simple statistical tools of average and percentage. The present study was limited with in causative verbs used in grade ten English text books. It is found that the students of rural community schools are better than the students of urban community schools. The girls' proficiency is better than that of boys. The final part of this thesis includes the bibliography and appendices. The work is divided into four chapters. The first chapter introduces the work in terms of the general background, English language and its importance,English grammar, review of the related literature, objectives of the study and significance of the study. Chapter two deals with methodology. It consists of sources of data,population of the study, sample population, sampling procedure,tools for data collection, process of data collection and limitations of the study. Similarly, the third chapter of this study presents the analysis and interpretation of the data. The fourth chapter Findings and Recommendation is concerned with the findings and some pedagogical implications and recommendation.