Quest for Independent Existence in Penelope Fitzgerald's The Blue Flower

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Department of English
This research explores how Penelope Fitzgerald's novel The Blue Flower surveys into a character and his surroundings . It explicates how the central character is passing all this and that circumstances to reach into his freely chosen fate. Such freedom of choice is the working line of a true existential hero. An existentialist hero believes on the dynamicity of human circumstances. It believes on dynamic human nature with place, time and context. Such a changing situation of the existential hero " Fritz" is guided by his freedom of choice and inherent language of his self. During the process of going ahead, he has fallen in love with Sophie- despite family and the society's will. He waited Sophie for years to be married with. But Sophie died so they could not marry each other. In this way, the tragic situation emerged. Fritz managed it and took the way for going ahead. He decided to marry another girl- Julie, a twenty two years girl. As Fritz was dynamic in case of his marriage, so he was in case of his professional choice and study. He has studied different subjects in different places. In this way, the novel is a journey of Fritz into the world of his self knowledge.  
Existential protagonist, human circumstances