Transfer of Nced Elt Training

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Department of English Education
he present research work entitled "Transfer of NCEDELTTraining" was aimedat finding out the degree of skills acquired by trainees, transfer of NCED ELTtraining, and effectiveness of ten months ELT training provided by NCED trainingcenters. For that purpose, ten English teachers were selected from Kailali districtwho had completed ten months training, and four classes of each of the teacherswere observed in natural setting. The observation was recorded in narrative formwith every details of activities, procedures, comments and suggestions, and laterconverted into observation form.The observation was later analyzed andinterpreted to find out the transfer of training in classrooms. The thesis consists of four chapters. Chapter one deals with general background ofin-service and pre-service teacher education, NCED training, literature review,objectives of the study and the significance of the study. Chapter two deals withthe methodology applied to conduct the research work. Chapter three consists ofanalysis and interpretation of obtained data. Chapter four consists of the findingsand suggestions of the study. The findings and recommendations have beenpresented on the basis of the analysis and interpretation of data. The suggestionshave been recommended to the policy makers, schools and teachers. The fourthchapter is followed byreferences and appendix.