Female Body in Exile in Taslima Nasrin’s French Lover

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Department of English
Despite of mammoth external pressures, Nila knows she can’t halt her humane odyssey of establishing the natural veracity that one can’t be the exact opposite of another, but its all about the distance to be crossed. As Nila is marching on a new racetrack, judging her as right or wrong, winner or looser with the same old rules and regulations, terms and conditions is not done. She needs the de-patriarchalized, de- colonized avant-garde version of criteria; call it a revolution or anarchy. By and large, Taslima Nasrin’s French Lover, the exploration of the same criteria, with original protagonist Nila, is the trial to rescue the female body from being exiled and to redefine, recuperate and redraw the stale patriarchal definition of femininity and female body with the innovative and natural philosophy of humanity.