Difficulties of Chepang Students in Learning Mathematics

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Department of Mathematics Education
This study entitled ―Difficulties of Chepang students in learning mathematics‖ intended to find out the difficulties of Chepang‘s students on learning mathematics. The objectives of study were to find the learning achievement of Chepang students at primary level, to explore their difficulties in learning mathematics and to find the causes and to explore the ways to overcome the difficulties in learning mathematics. To fulfill above objective the researcher conducted achievement test with interview schedule and class observation form to collect the required information. The researcher used the explanatory sequential mixed research design. Quantitative data were analyzed by the statistical tools and qualitative data were analyzed by thematic network approach of analysis. Researcher selected five sample schools from Chitwan district by purposive sampling. Fifty students were selected for achievement test. Similarly mathematics teachers, head teachers, parents were also included in interview. The researcher analyzed the collected data with the help of conceptual understanding on the basis of problems related to learning environment at home and school, pre-knowledge of the students. The finding of the study shows that, there are lots of difficulties of Chepang students on learning mathematics. Chepang students have faced the difficulties on fundamental concepts of learning mathematics, use of the knowledge of algebraic structure and syntax to form equations, manipulation of operator symbols procedure, transformation of word problems into algebraic expression, process skill, application of concepts, formulas and theories in the new context, pre- requisite knowledge. Besides these, local Chepang community are not accountable towards the schools which causes lack of concern of the teacher in teaching learning activities in mathematics, early marriage, language, poor economic status of parents and geographical difficulties are the causes behind the difficulties of learning mathematics specially to Chepang students.