Students' experiences of using English medium instruction in community schools

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Department of English Education
The study entitled Students’ Experiences of Using English Medium Instructionin Community Schools was carried out to find out the students' experiences on using English medium instruction in community school and to analyze the parents' views toward the English medium. Keeping the objectives into consideration, population of this study were all secondary level students and their parents. Thirty students studying in community schools and three parents were selected as the sample by using purposive random sampling strategy. Mixed method design was used to conduct this study. Data in this study were collected by conducting semi- structure interview and questionnaire with the selected participants. Quantitative datawere analyzed statistically and qualitative data were analyzed by using thematic approach. The findings of the study showed that both students and parents have positive attitude towards English medium instruction. Students were highly motivated towards English medium instruction. Learning through English medium is very beneficial because it develops the English proficiency and to develop communication skills. Learning in English language provides lots of opportunities for carrier development and it also provides a better opportunity in national and international arenas. Despite these strengths, mother tongue interference, different linguistic background, lack of practices, different ability of the students were the major challenges found in this study. This thesis consists of five chapters. The first chapter deals with the introduction of the study which consists of background of the study, statement of problem, objectives of the study, research questions, significance of the study, and operational definitions of the key terms. Likewise the second chapter is about the review of the theoretical as well as empirical literature and its implications for the study and the conceptual framework. The third chapter contains methodological procedures. It includes design of the study, population, sample and sampling strategy, data collection tools, data collection procedures, data analysis and interpretation procedures and ethical considerations. Similarly, the fourth chapter consists of analysis and interpretation of collected data. The fifth chapter deals with the major findings, conclusion and recommendations of the study. Finally, references and appendices are attached at the final part of the study.  