Biodiversity of Fish and Fishery resources Of Mahakali River

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Department of Zoology
The presentwork was conducted in Mahakali River in Mahendra Nagar close tobridge. The study was focused in the study of fish biodiversity and fisheryresources of Mahakali River of Nepal, different implements/techniques used infishing in this area and to access the impact of irrigational dam on fishdiversity/population. Altogether 21 fish species belonging to 15 genera and 7 families were recorded.Fish composition and frequency distribution study in fish catches revealedcyprinids as major fishes andChrossocheilus latiusandOxygaster bacaillaasmost dominant species. The sampling record showed fish diversity was highclose to bridge near Nepal and India border but low in other stations. Local fishermen around Mahakalli River were found to be involved in fishing aspart time fisherman; but, Bengali fishermen from India were found to beinvolved in fishing throughout the year. Both conventional and non-conventional fishing methods were noted to be used in Mahakali River. Fishdiversity and population is decreasing due to the impact of leeves, irrigationdam, non-conventional fishing methods, pollution and natural calamities likeheavy flood and erosion.