The challenges of free writing skills in EFL classrooms

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Department of English Education
The present study entitled ‘The Challenges of Free Writing Skills in EFL Classroom’ was carried to explore the proficiency of secondary level students in free writing activities and to identify the challenges faced by secondary level students in free writing activities. I used survey research design to accomplish this study. In order to carry out this study, I collected the data from forty secondary level students studying in Tamakoshi Rural Municipality through non random sampling procedure. A set of questionnaire and a test item were used as the main tools for data collection. The findings of the study showed that the students seemed to feel difficult in applying correct grammar, choice of word, and writing mechanics such as: punctuation and capitalization in free writing. The data showed that they are good in organizational part where as poor in grammar. The findings showed that 83.33% of the students felt paragraph writing as the easiest area of writing while 80% of the students felt dialogue writing and 53.33 % of the students felt letter writing as the easiest area of the writing. On the contrary, 80% of the students felt essay writing as the toughest area of writing whereas 66.66 % of the students felt movie writing as the toughest area of the writing. Hence, the role of teacher in solving the problems such as giving suitable activities in teaching English writing and correcting in mechanic, organization, grammar, vocabulary, and content writing plays a vital role in solving the challenges faced by secondary level students in free writing activities. This thesis has been divided into five chapters. The first chapter deals with background of the study, statement of the problem, objective of the study, research questions, significance of the study, delimitations of the study and operational definitions of the key terms. Whereas, second chapter incorporates the review of related literature, implication of the review of the study and conceptual framework. On the other hand, the third chapter deals with the methods and procedure of this study. Similarly, fourth chapter encompasses analysis and interpretation of data. Finally, fifth chapter deals with findings, summary, conclusion and recommendations of the study. And, in the final section, references and appendices are included