Problems and Challenges Faced by Tharustudents in Learning English

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Department of English Education
The study entitledProblems and Challenges Faced by Tharu Students inLearning Englishwas conducted to explore problems and challenges faced byTharu students in learning English. The study followed survey research design.Sixty Tharu students and four secondary level English language teachers fromfour community schools of Gadhawa, Dang were selected as the sample usingnon-random purposive sampling procedure. To elicit the data I used twodifferent sets of questionnaires consisting both open-ended and close-endedquestions to Tharu students and English teachers. The study found that theperception of Tharu students towards English is interesting.Similary,the Tharustudents are facing English language related problems and challenges such as,complex rules of grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, slang colloquialism. TheEnglish teachers opined that they are also facing problems and challengeswhile teachingEnglish language to Tharu students. This thesis consists of five different chapters. The first chapter consists ofbackground of the study, statement of the problem, objectives of the study,research questions, significance of the study, delimitations ofthe study andoperational definition of the key terms. The, second chapter deals with thereview of theoretical as well as empirical literature and its implication for thestudy; moreover, it includes the conceptual framework. The third chapterdeals withthe methods and procedures of the study including research designand method of the study, population, sample and sampling strategy, researchtools, sources of data, data collection procedures, data analysis andinterpretation procedures, and ethical considerations. In the same way, thefourth chapter contains the analysis and interpretation of the results. Finally,the fifth chapter incorporates the findings and conclusion of the studyfollowed by some policy related, practice related and further researchrelatedrecommendation based of the study.