Reading Comprehension Ability of Danuwar Students

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Department of English Education
This research entitled ‘Reading Comprehension Ability of Danuwar Students’attempted to find out the reading comprehension ability of Danuwar students. Inorder to do so I collected the data from the Danuwar students studying in grade ten in five different schools of Kavrepalanchok district. Only sixty sample students were selected. Twelve students from each school were selected through nonrandom sampling procedure and both the seen and the unseen texts were used in the test. Seen text was selected from the English text book of grade ten and unseen test item was selected from outside the course book to find out the reading comprehension ability of students. Similarly, a questionnaire was given and test items were administered and raw score of the students was analyzed and interpreted using the statistical tools. This study found the total reading comprehension of the students was 63%. The average reading comprehension ability of the students in the seen and the unseen text was 71.61% and 54.39%respectively.This thesis comprises four chapters. Chapter one deals with introduction.It consists of general background, language skills, defining reading, types of reading,introduction about Danuwar people, review of the related literature, objectives of the study and significance of the study. Chapter two deals with the methodology adopted for the study. It consists of the sources of data, sampling procedure, and tools for data collection, process of data collection and limitations of the study.Chapter three consists of the analysis and interpretation of data. The collected data were analyzed and interpreted using descriptive approach and simple statistical tools. Chapter four presents the findings and recommendations. Recommendation sare made on the basis of findings.