Socio- Economic Impact of Old Age Allowances by Nepal Government (A Case Study of Katunje VDC, Bhaktapur District)

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Department of Rural Development
After the restoration multiparty democracy in 2046 BS, the concept of "welfare state" has been development. The countries constitution has decided to perform many activities for the Nepalese people one of them is social security contribution. In this different programs have been set. For eg- distribution of allowance, free schooling education, health facilities etc. Giving allowances to senior citizens (over 75 years) is one of the good aspects of the program. This was started through supplementary bought in 2052/53. Initially the amount was Rs.100 per month. Now, the amount has been increased to Rs.500 per month (from the latest budget 2065/66). This allowance has a great value to the old people, especially in rural areas people in urban area are comparatively rich and they also have other income sources. Income generation program are quite limited in the villages. So these elderly citizens residing in the villages give more importance to there allowance. Hence providing allowances to the elder by citizens is an exemplary activity indeed. A case study of Katunje VDC has been done to find the opinions of the elderly citizens. This will be beneficial to all researchers who will want to do researcher who will want to do further research on elderly citizens. What type of life are they leading? What do they want farm their family? Are they satisfied with their family? What is their social and economic status? Are they independent? Have they been exploited? Are they optimistic? This study has treed to answer all these questions in brief. So it is useful not only for an individual but also for the planners. Katunje is in Bhaktapur district. It is quite near from the capital Kathmandu. However it is not very development activities. The economy is agro oriented and the people are illiterate. In the process of data collection various informants are used. They were very happy with the allowance programs. "It is a great thing that the government is doing to us they were quoted saying seeing they enthusiasm it can be concluded that govt. should perform such activities. And this will help the govt. to enhance its reputation among the public.