The Forms of Address Inthemagar Andenglish Language

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Faculty of Education
The present research study entitled“The Forms of Address in theMagar and English Language”aims at finding out the different forms ofaddress used by the Magar speakers and compare them with those inEnglish. This research study was done by the researcher using both theprimary and secondary sources of data to fulfill the specified objectives.After the study and analysis, it is found that the Magar language has itsown forms to address for different relations. It is also found that differentforms of address are used by different people to address the samerelation. For example, e buda, e flnei buwa, e buda ei, buda, nanikobuwa, lenj, mojhekhat lenjake, jhhakke wi rahanin to address husbandsby their wives. The whole study encompasses four chapters. The first chapter ofthe study deals with the introduction part which mainly encompasses thegeneral background, linguistic scenario of Nepal, the Magar language andits origin, Magar script, forms of address, review of literature, objectives,significance and definitions of specific terms. The second chapter deals with the methodology used in the study.The sources of data, sample and sampling procedure, tools for datacollection, data collection procedures are included in this chapter. Chapter three is the main part of the study which includes analysisand interpretation of the data. The final chapter encompasses with the findings andrecommendations made after the analysis of the data. Conclusion of thestudy is also included within it which follows references and appendices.