Relevance of Translation as a Course

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Department of English Education
This research work entitled “Relevance of Translation asa Course”wascarriedout to find out the perception of students on relevancy of teaching of translationacademically in ELT syllabus. I used both primary and secondary sources of datain this study. I purposively selected four campuses-Department of EnglishEducation,Kirtipur,Mahendra Ratna Campus, Butwal Multiple Campus andTansen Multiple Campus. And35 students were selected fromDepartment ofEnglish Education, 20 from Mahendra Ratna Campus,15 from Butwal MultipleCampus and10 from Tansen Multiple Campus using not random judgmentalsampling procedure. They were given questionnairesforthecollectionofprimarydata. This study shows that majority of the studentsfoundtranslation as a relevantin the sensethat it developedlanguage skills and vocabularyaspect of languageand providedthe skills of translating text into second language without loosing itsmeaning. Likewise, majority ofthestudents i.e. 90% expressed that itwas apractical subject in career development. This thesis consists offour chapters.The first chapter introduces the study withgeneral background i.e. importance and scope of translation; teachingoftranslation and translation: situational study in case of Nepal. This chapter alsodeals with the review of literature, the objectives and significance of the study.The second chapter deals with procedures adopted to carry out the research. Itcontains the information on the sourcesof data, sampling procedure, tools, processof data collection and limitationsof the study.Similarly,the thirdchapterconsistsofthe analysis and interpretation ofthedata collected through questionnaire.Thefourth chapter deals with the major findings of the study on the basis of analysisand interpretation of the data. It also deals withsome recommendationsmade onthe basis of findings of the study. Finally,the fourthchapter is followed by thereferences and appendices.