Identity: Chepang Concept of Relational Self

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Department of English
This paper explores the concept of relational self that prevails in Chepang songs. Chepang culture is primarily based on the concept of relational self in which the identity of one factor depends on the existence oftheother. It means, the identity of the Chepangs depend on the existence of nature and supra-natural forces. These three factors, the Chepangs, nature and supra-natural forces, are interrelated and interdependent.Thesefactors constitute Chepang culture. That is why, this paper shows how the identity of one factor is in relation to other factors. This paper explores and proves that Chepang concept of relational self which prevails in Chepang culture has truely and perfectly been represented in the Chepang songs. That means, Chepang songs construct Chepang concept of relational self. Interdependence between the humans, nature and supra-natural forces has artistically been reflected in the Chepang songs that comes to beone of themajor factorsof Chepang culture.