Socio-Economic Impact Of Community Forestry (A Case Study of Balkumari Community Forestry of Ugratara VDC, Kavre)

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Department of Rural Development
This is a micro level of study. It is a case study of CFUG, Balkumari forest of Ugratara VDC, Kavre. This study has attempted to highlight the socio-economic impact evaluation aspect of community forest in Ugratara. The general objectives of this study were to discover socio-economic impact as well as benefit of community forest. Both primary and secondary information were used in study. The sample of households was selected randomly. Data were collected from household survey, interview and observation. The main tool of subsistence was agriculture of the selected respondents. Households kept large number of livestock such as buffalo, cow, goat, pigs etc. Among them Balkumari CFUG was established in 2058 B.S. which covers ward No.1 & 6 of Ugratara VDC. Among the user respondent, high majority of users were Brahmin & Chhetries. There were also other caste groups like Newar, Tamang, Gurung, etc. Users were using forest product on equal basis. Collecting fund from every household (users) was a significant aspect. One Jungle guard was selected form the users group. Income of the forest is found to mobilize in infrastructure development of the concerned area. The positive impact was found like incensement on livestock, cash crops and vegetables production, increment on water resources and natural beauty are other advantages of this area. The most important thing to highlight about Balkumari Community Forestry Users Group committee is that it is executed & managed totally by the women. All 13 members of the management committee are women and they are successfully executing the activities which have been the source of inspiration for the women of other societies too. Users were identified on the basis of traditional use of forest. Most of the user respondents are found that they are only partially dependent upon forest products. FUGC is working as a main body of the forest. It is giving equal opportunity to women. Women participant in both FUGC and FFS looks significant. Positive impact has been seen in income generating activities through agriculture and animal husbandry. Apart from this, positive impact has been seen in education, participation, rural tourism and awareness enlistment.