Role of Foreign Employnment on Household Economy: A Study of Kanyam Village of Suryodaya Municipality, Ilam

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Department of Rural Development
Role of Foreign Employment on Household Economy: A Study of Kanyam Village of Suryodaya Municipality, Ilam is representative vision of the reality. The specific objectives of the study are: to excess the socio-cultural and economic background of the study area , to identity the causes of international labor migration and to analyze effect of migration in the study area. The research design was adopted in this study is exploratory as well as descriptive types. The data obtained through the design was qualitative as well as quantitative in nature.This study was based on both primary and secondary sources of data, because only one method was sufficient and convenient for the agglomeration of information. Most of the individuals are inspired by others and less is inspired by self to go to foreign employment. They get information from different means of sources such as friends and relatives, local broker, newspaper, manpower agency, radio/TV etc. Few numbers of them go to foreign employment through their self attempt but most of them go through manpower agency and friends to the destination country such as South Korea, Qatar, Saudi Arab, Malaysia, Dubai, Oman, Kuwait, Israel and Bahrain which shows most of the individuals use to depend on manpower agency and friend to go to foreign employment. As a result of it, most of the individuals are cheated by manpower company, friends and relatives and working company in one way or the other by not giving mentioned job, giving low salary and not giving over-time job as mentioned before, not sending in time, not giving salary in time and taking more money as determined by the government. Out of total sending remittance some portion utilize in productive enterprises indicates migrant workers are, to some extent, perceived as important agents of investors who invest some sums of money, experience, skills and knowledge in enterprises in the country of origin as per the develop-mentalists perspective. But on the contrary as per the migration pessimists perspective, migrant workers lock themselves into a semi-permanent role of supplying labor for the dirty, difficult, and dangerous (3D) jobs such as cleaner, plumber, house worker, security guard, factory worker and so on in the receiving countries and huge portion of remittances earning by them are mainly spent on conspicuous consumption and consumptive investments (such as houses, buying land), and rarely invested in productive enterprises. Although, they all are temporary which creates dependency would remain no longer so it might be harmful for Nepal.