Role of Nelta in Developing Elt Situation of Nepal

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Department of English Education
Nepal English Language Teachers' Association (NELTA) is a professional, non-profit making, non-political ELT organization with the view to enhanceprofessionalism of English teachers, which was established in 1992 A.D. From thetime of its establishment it is rigorously working to provide a fruitful platform inthe field of ELT. So, I was interested to find out the role of such an organization inthe field of English language teaching situation of Nepal. That is why this studyentitled "Role of NELTA in developing ELT situation of Nepal" was carried outto find out professional development of teachers and curriculum development andELT practices. For these purposes a sample of 40 English language teachers hasbeen selected. Among the 40 informants 20 of them were life members of NELTAand 20 were English language teachers of different levels. To fulfill the objectivesof the study a questionnaire was used as a tool. From the analysis of the responsesof English language teachers, it has been found that the NELTA is workingeffectively in the field of professional development of teachers but not in the fieldof curriculum development and ELT survey. The thesis consists of four chapters. The first chapter consists of introduction, thegeneral background, ELT Development in Nepal, ELT and its importance, ELTsituation in Nepal, a brief introduction of NELTA with its aims and objectives,roles and activities as well as future direction of it, literature review, objectivesand the significance of the study. The second chapter deals with themethodology of the research used in the process of this research; namely, sourcesof data, sampling procedure, tools for data collection, process of data collectionand limitations of the study. The third chapter is analysis, interpretation and thepresentation of data. It has been presented under the six different headings and thedata were analyzed and interpreted by using simple statistical tool (table/bargraph) of percentage. The fourth chapter presents the findings andrecommendations with some pedagogical implications of this research