Effectiveness of Cooperative Learning in Error Reduction

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Department of English Education
This research study entitled“Effectiveness of Cooperative Learning in Error Reduction”was an attempt to find out the role of cooperative learning to reduce the errors of the learners. This study was conducted in L.B Namuna English Boarding School of Rupandehi district. The students of grade nine were purposively selected as the sample for the experiment in this study. A pre-test was administered before starting teaching. The students were taught about four weeks using cooperative language method. Finally, a post-test was administered to determine the errors of the learners. The scores from pre-test and post-test were compared to each other and the data were analyzed using statistical tools like average, percentage, mean and they were presented using paraorthagraphical modes like tables and figures. After the interpretation and analysis of data, it was found that the cooperative language learning method played considerable role to reduce the errors of the learners. The learners committed errors in pretest but as the result of co-operative learning practice the number of error decreased in post test. The thesis consists of four chapters. The first chapter deals with background of the study, statement of the problem, objectives and significance of the study,delimitation of the study and operational definitions of key terms respectively.The second chapter deals with the literature review. It includes review of related theoretical literature, review of the related empirical literature,implication of the review for the study and conceptual framework. Similarly,third chapter deals with methodology under which design and method of the study, population and sampling strategy, study area/field, tools/technique for data collection and the procedures of the data analysis and interpretation. The fourth chapter deals with the analysis and interpretation of the results. It also includes the summary of the findings of the study. The fifth chapter consists of the conclusions and recommendations based on the analysis and interpretation of data. References and appendices are attached at the end of the study.