Technophilic Diagnosis of Man and Machine Interface in Robert Pirsing's Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance

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Faculty Arts in English
This research paper explores the technophilic aspect of man and machine relationship in Robert Pirsig's Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance.This research focuses upon the production and usage strategy of technology so that they can be easily adored by the consumers. The research methods consisted of a wide review of relevant literature on Modern Machines and human beings. The research approach adopted in this research paper includes Donna Haraway's Cyborg Manifesto and JohnWilliams's Techne Zen and the Spiritual Quality of Global Capitalism. The findings from this research show that the global industries are popular since they have more humanistic approach to their production either in hard or soft machineries. Thus, to be fit for survival our interface with machine must be friendly. This research paper recommends that technological production should have aesthetic beauty for keeping us in easy terms with them. Technology must not be scary but healthy.