Bridging Cultural Gaps in Translation: A Case of The Novel ‘Alikhit’

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Central Department of English Education
Thisthesisentitled'BridgingCulturalGaps inTranslation:ACaseoftheNovel‘Alikhit’.The main purpose of this study was to evaluate thetechniques of translation of cultural words and to find out the gaps inthem.The data for the study were collected from both Nepali and Englishversions of the novel. The data consisted of 200 cultural terms with focuson translational gaps.In this research work two hundred terms wereidentified and these weredividedinto fivedifferentcategories. Findingsof this study show that thirteen different techniques were found to havebeen employed in translating cultural words of the novel. Thereweremany instances of use ofnon-corresponding meaning components, whichcreatedgaps in translation. So, gaps in meaning existed between the SLand TL terms. This study is divided into four chapters. Chapter one introduces generalbackground ofthetopic, review of the related literature, objectives andsignificance of the study. Chapter two deals with the main methodologyunder which sources of data, procedures of data collection and limitationsof the study. The analysis andinterpretation is presented inthethirdchapter. Descriptive and analytical approaches are used for the purpose.Chapter four presents the findings of the study onthe basis of the analysisand interpretation of data. On the basis of the findings, somerecommendations are drawn. The references and appendices are theconcluding parts of the study.