A Study On Translation: A Case of Structural And lexical Gaps In Translated Textbook of Social Studies for Grade Six

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Department of English Education
This dissertation is an attempt to find out structural and lexical gaps in the translated textbook of Social Studies for Grade Six published andtranslated by JEMC in 2004 A.D. This thesis comprises four chapters. Chapter one deals with theintroduction of translation with its short history in Nepal. Similarly, it givesintroduction to the literature review, objectives, significance of the studyand the definition of the specific terms. Chapter two deals with themethodology adopted for the study in which sources of data, process of datacollection and limitations of the study are presented. The researcher hastaken the help of both primary and secondary sources of data. The third chapter is devoted to the interpretation, analysis andevaluation of the collected data to discuss the structural and lexical gapsfound in the text. Chapter IV concludes the attempt of study with its findings, analysisand interpretation in which recommendations and pedagogical implicationsare also included. This chapter is also the gist of the entire study. Both the SLT and TLT have been designed to supply the need of thestudents who belong to the same grade. So, there should not be anystructural and lexical gaps. Similarly, there shouldn't be any substitution,loss, errors and mistranslation in the TLT. It is essential that the translatormust be a perfect bilingual and bicultural. S/he should have both linguisticand pragmatic knowledge of the SLT and TLT. The translated textbookshould give the same information and impression as the SLT does to itsreaders. Otherwise, it would be injustice to the students of the same gradeproviding them the same book with two different information andimpression due to only the language difference.