Reading Comprehension Ability of the 12th Greader Studying in Bible Colleges

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Department of English Education
This study aims to find out the reading comprehension ability of the students studying in the Bible College of grade XII within Kathmandu Valleyin terms of, reading sub-skills such as skimming, scanning, inferring andguessing the meaning to compare the achievement between differentvariables. Five schools were selected from Kathmandu valley ten students wereselected by using simple random sampling procedure from each of theselected schools. The tools consisted of both subjective and objectivequestions. This study found out that the students studying in grade 12 of BibleCollege within Kathmandu Valley obtained 64.07% in skimming, 66.20% inscanning, 61.70% in inferring and 48.41% in guessing meaning. It shows thatthe students performed best in scanning and least in guessing meaning.This study also found that the reading comprehension ability of students of theBible College studying in grade XII is good in term of scanning and readingcomprehension ability of the students is not adequate in term of guessingmeaning. This study has been divided into four different chapters. The first dealswith introductionwhich includes general background, review of relatedliterature, objective of the study, significant of the study and definition ofspecific term. Similarly, the second chapter methodologydeals with the sources ofdata, sampling procedure, tools for data collection, process of data collectionand limitation of the study. Similarly, the third chapter deals with theanalysis and interpretation.In this Chapter the collected data was analyzed by using simple statisticaltools like means and percentage. Similarly, the forth chapterfindings and recommendations is the lastchapter of this dissertation. It presents the finding of the study as well as a setof recommendations based on the findings of the study.
pedagogical implications., Predictive skills