Parents' attraction to wards English medium classes in community schools

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Department of English Education
The present study is entitled" Parent Attraction towards English Medium Classes in Community Schools"; aimed to explore the parents´ attractions towards teaching their children in English medium classes. Based on this research objective, the investigation was mainly focused to find out to what extend the parents were attracted and motivated to educate their children in English -as- a- medium – of – instruction (EMI) in the schools. In this regard, study was survey research design was followed for which parents of the 50 school children studying at different EMI schools in Dhankuta were sampled. A questionnaire was developed focusing on the main objectives and administered to derive the quantitative information for this research. Although this study was based on the survey research design, qualitative narratives were also used in the course of data analysis and interpretation. The study found that the lower secondary students’ parents were attracted toward English medium. English language is important because it offers different personality of children and provide quality education. Likewise, adopting English creates some challenges such as; parents have difficult to save Nepalese culture and maintain costly materials for their children. Within this parent motivate their children to acquire English by joining in English medium classes. So that, the study showed majority of the parents were positive towards English medium of classes. This research consists of five different chapters. Chapter one is the introductory part of this study. It includes the background of the study, statement of the problem, objectives of the study, research questions, delimitations of the study and operational definitions of the key terms. The Second chapter deals with review of theoretical literature, empirical literature and conceptual framework. The third chapter is the part of methodology and procedures of the study. This part included research design and method of the study, populations, sample and sampling strategy, research tools, sources of data collection, data collection procedures, data analysis and interpretation procedures and ethical considerations. Likewise, the fourth chapter included analysis and interpretation of results. And the last chapter five includes conclusions, and implications of the study. In the same way, in the final part of the thesis includes references and appendices.