Female Participation in Question Answer Sessions

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Faculty of English Education
The present study entitled, "Female participation in question answer session in ELT classroom" aims to find out to what extent female students participate in question answer and difficulties faced by them in doing so. The study is mainly based on the primary data which was collected from the forty students of grade XI and four English language teachers teaching in Higher Secondary level of Tanahun District. The data were collected through structured interview, classroom teaching/learning observation guide and check-list were also used. It was found that learning time, text book, separate facilities to female students, manageable classroom, library have high relation with female participation in question answer and the frequency of participation in raising question is more by male students and frequency of answering is more by female students. The data which was collected by using the observation guide and check list showed that the teacher presented themselves as an authority in the classroom and still used the lecture method. They did not give any priority to female students, to illicit answers. The study consists of four chapters. Chapter one introduces the study in terms of general background, review of the related literature, objectives of the study and significance of the study. Similarly, chapter two deals with the methodology applied to conduct the study. This consists of source of data sample population and sampling procedures, tools for data collection process of data collection and limitation of the study. Likewise, chapter three deals with the analysis and interpretation of the raw data. The data were analyzed and interpreted by using simple tools and presented with the help of tables. Finally chapter four deals with the findings and recommendations made on the basis of the analysis and interpretation of the data.