The Impact of Progress Test in Language Learning : A Practical Study

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Department of English Language Education
The aim of this thesis was to measure the impact of progress test in language learning. It has been carried out practically and comparatively.To carry out the research, seventy students of grade nine studying at Tribhuvan Janata Higher Secondary School, Musikot, Rukum wereselected as sample population. A written test carrying four reading textswas used as pre-test to check theactual proficiency of the students in thebeginning of the experiment. Seventy students were kept in two classrooms and one set of question was given to each group. The testcontained both subjective and objective. Answer copies were checked andranked in a descending order. Then, the students were divided into twogroups on the basis of the odd-even roll number according to theindividual score of the pre-test. After dividing them into two groups, experimental group wastaught by taking progress tests and other by using final achievement test.Progress tests contained two texts: one seen and another unseen passages.The test was taken three times for only experimental group. After thecompletion of one month teaching, the similar test which was used for thepre-test was used as post-test. Then the results of both the tests werecompared to determine the impact of class progress test in languagelearning. From this research, the researcher has found that progress testyielded better impact on language learning. This thesis is divided into four chapters. Each chapter is dividedinto different sub-chapters. The first chapter deals with generalbackground of the study, review of the related literature, objectives of thestudy and significance of the study. 8 The second chapter deals with the methodology used during theresearch work. It consists of sources of data, population of the study,sampling procedure, tools for data collection, process of data collectionand limitations of the study. The third chapter deals with the analysis and interpretation of thedata. The data have been analysed and interpreted on the basis of thedifference between the average score in marks and percentage of threeprogress tests as well as pre-test and post-test. The group with ahigherincrement in marks and percentages has been considered better. Theanalysis has been done under the following headings: a. Holistic comparisonb. Text and item-based comparison The forth chapter deals with the findings and recommendationswhich are derived from the analysis and interpretation of the data.