Sex as Supplement in Gabriel Garcia Marquez’s Memories of My Melancholy Whores

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Department of English
Garcia Marquez’s Memories of My Melancholy Whores is the depiction of psychic mentality of an old man who even at the age of ninety is not satisfied of sexual desires. He has been guided with notion that sex is mere an instrument to satiate his feelings and desires. However, when he turns ninety years and plans for a wild night with a virgin girl, his life-long preserved notion, crumbles. This fourteen years-old-girl is nothing more than as sleeping beauty, as when he sees her, he finds her sleeping. And upon watching this young girl in sleep, he feels within him a different emotions rising, which he had never experienced. Same feelings come to him the other days, as well, and his life-long notion of un-satiated sexuality, is no more intact. The old man finds his psychic mentality no more present in him and sympathy towards his number of victim come to forefront – a notion of deconstruction, where the center does no more holds the attraction because de-center is equally important, as well.