Knowledge and Utilization of Safe Motherhood services Among Married Women of Reproductive Age (A Case Study of Khanalthok Vdc of Kavrepalanchok District)

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Department of population studies
This study entitled "Knowledge and Utilization of Safe Motherhood ServicesAmong Married Women of reproductive Age." ( A Case Study of Khanalthok VDC ofKavrepalanchok District), is based on primary data. The objective of the study is to studythe level of Knowledge about Safe Motherhood Services among married women ofreproductive age and utilization of safe motherhood services among them. Total 125 respondents have been selected and purposive sampling method hasbeen applied as a method in this research. Amongst those respondents, only the motherswhose youngest child is below 5 years they bore are participated in interview. Closed and Open, two types of questionnaires have been prepared for this study.Primary data have been collected through interview method based on thesequestionnaires. More participants are from 25 to 29 years by age groups. Likewise, 26.4percent respondents are uneducated and most of them are seen as housewife whileanalyzing the profession they adopted. More respondents were found to have got marriedfrom the age between 16 to 17 years whereas 2.4 percent respondents have got married atthe age of 23 to 23 years. While researching on ANC knowledge, 68.8 percent respondents were found tobe aware and rest 31.2 percent had no knowledge on it. Similarly, it came to know fromthe study that 69.6 percent respondents have got their health checked up during thepregnancy period whilst 30.4 percent respondents have not. Likewise, 79.2 percent and74.4 percent respondents were found to have taken TT vaccination and iron tabletsrespectively. In conclusion, it is seen, from the research, urgent to raise the awareness andupgrade the level of education of the respondents as well as living standard is alsoequally necessary to be uplifted.