Developing Reading Comprehension Through Games

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Department of English Education
The present study entitled“Developing Reading Comprehension through Games”is to find out the development of reading comprehension in grade nine students through the language games.This is an action research.The main objective of this study is to find out the development of reading comprehension through games.In order to carry out this study, I selected fifteen students of grade nine of Salvinia Academy using non-random purposive sampling procedure. For the study, I used the students of grade nine as primary sources of data. After selecting the sample, a pre-test was administered to determine the students’ initial performance in reading comprehension on the selected items.Then students were taught for a month through the language games. During that period, two progress tests were administered at the interval of a week and finally a post-test was administered. Through the analysis and interpretation of the collected data,it was found that language games helped in developing students’ reading comprehension.This study incorporates five main chapters. The first chapter includes the background of the study, statement of the problem, objectives of the study,research questions, significance of the study, delimitations of the study, and operational definitions of key terms.The second chapter deals with the review of theoretical literature, review of empirical literature, implication of review for the study, and conceptual framework.The third chapter includes methods and procedures of the study. It subsumes design and methods of the study,population sample and sampling design, sampling procedure, data collection tools and techniques, data collection procedure and data analysis and interpretation procedure. Similarly, the fourth chapter consists of analysis and interpretation of the result. It subsumes analysis of data and interpretation of the result and summary and discussion of the findings. After that this study carries fifth chapter that is conclusions and recommendations consisting the specific parts i.e. conclusions,recommendations,policy level,practice level and further research. This study of final part includes references and appendices as well.