Safe Motherhood Practice of Janajati Community of Palungtar V.D.C. in Gorkha District

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Faculty of Health Education
The study entitled ''Safe Motherhood Practice of Janajati Community of Palungtar VDC in Gorkha District" was done on the basis of primary data collection for which field survey was conducted in 2014. The total households i.e. 122 of the community was selected for the respondents. Interview-Schedule was the major tool of data collection. The study found that Janajati community was socially,economically and educationally backward.Similarly, their practice in safe motherhood was not satisfactory. They married in early age and gave birth just after the marriage. The majority (73%) of the respondents belonged to joint family. Nearly 86 % of the respondents were literate and (14%) of the respondents were illiterate. There were (63%)of the respondents engaged in agricultural and agro-based labor. The majority (62%) of the respondents were confirm about the pregnancy by stopping menstruation cycle. Most of the respondents did check up during pregnancy. In this study, (77%) of the respondents had taken full dose of T. T. vaccine.The majority (55%) of the respondents had delivered at home with the help of TBA. Only(39%) of the respondents cut cord by new blade. Nearly (68%) of the respondents had faced delivery complications. Among the complications, majority (51%) of the respondents were suffered from vaginal bleeding. Most (95%) of the respondents had immunized their children and rest (5%) them had not immunized due to lack of knowledge, traditional faith, lack of health facilities and lack of time. In this study (35%) respondent had not fed colostrums. It was found that (61%) of the respondents had not attended postnatal check up. The study found that (57%) of the respondents agreed that they had taken extra nutritious food during postnatal period. The majority of the respondents had practiced the family planning during the postnatal period. The overall observation and finding of the study shows that safe motherhood practice is poor due to their low socio economic status. They have traditional knowledge to care mother and baby. Therefore, the result of the research shows immediate need of education, awareness and income generating programmers for that Janajati Community.