Effectiveness of geogebra in Teaching Learning geometry At Secondary Level

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Faculty of Education
This is the study entitled"Effectiveness of GeoGebra inTeaching Geometry at Secondary Level"has beencarried out to find out the effect of GeoGebra in teaching geometry and to explore the student attitude about GeoGebra.Researcher selected conviencesampling and selectedthe two schools.This researchhasconducted by using quantative method focused onlyexperimental research design.The use of technology in the pedagogical process is growing at a phenomenal rate due to the vast availability of gadgets. As a result, educationists see the urgent need for integrating technology in students’ mathematical activities. Therefore, the purpose of this pre-test post-test experimental study was to investigate students understanding in learning geometry using GeoGebra. Grade ten, fifty-seven students from two different two school are in the same classes participatedin this study with one class assigned as the experimental group and the other as the control group. The researcher used achievement tool and questionnaires to collect the data. Finding of this study showed a significant difference existed in the mean scores between these two groups. The result indicated that students in the experimental group outperformed those in the control group. In addition, a questionnaires instrument had used to find the student perception about the GeoGebra. Result show student has positive attitude about GeoGebra. Analysis of the questionnaire responses indicated a positive overall perception about GeoGebra in learning geometry.Finally, the research work proved the GeoGebra is the effective tool teaching geometry.
Learning geometry, Empirical Literature