Reading Comprehension Proficiency of Lower Secondary Level English Teachers

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Faculty of Education Tribhuwan University Saptagandaki Multiple Campus Bhartapur, Chitwan, Nepal
This research work entitled Reading Comprehension Proficiency of Lower Secondary Level English Teachers has been carried out to find out the proficiency of lower secondary level English teachers For this propose the researcher selected the lower secondary level English teachers of eastern part of Chitwan district The researcher collected the data from the sampled population of thirty lower secondary level English teachers. The selected teachers were given test item containing three types of texts. All of them included subjective test (short questions answers) and objective (multiple choice, matching, ordering, ordering, and true or false). They were given test in their own schools. Their responses were administered classifying into trained and untrained and experienced above five years and below five years. Theirs scorers were tabulated on the basis of the text items and were analyzed in terms of mean (average) and difference in percentage. Their answers were also analyzed qualitatively and quantitatively. This thesis consists of five chapters. Chapter one is an introductory chapter. This chapter includes background information of the topic, statement of the problem, objectives and significance of the study. Chapter two consists of review of related literature and conceptual framework of the research. Chapter three deals with methodology adopted to carry out the research. It consists of data, sampling procedures, tools, process of data collection. Chapter four consists of results and interpretation of the data. Chapter five consists of the summary, findings and implications of the study. The final part of the study consists of references and appendices.