Performance and Diplomacy in Janga Bahadurko Belait-Yatra

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Faculty of English
This dissertation brings three domains viz. performance, diplomacy and history in one so as to explore the functions of performance beyond mere entertainment and ordinary cultural know-how. This purpose is best served by the travelogue Janga Bahadurko Belait Yatra, written by an unknown writer, arguably by one of the fellow travelers of the Belait-Yatra, about one very much known character of Nepalese history, Janga Bahadur Rana. Janga Bahadur’s performances as described in the travelogue –his new name and new roles, his histrionics, his lies, his acting etc.— reveal the fact that Janga leaves behind a note of diplomacy in each performance he does, and in totality a practical tact which he utilized for securing and maintaining Nepal's independence, territorial integrity and national sovereignty during a very tough time in history, as the whole century in which he lived was replete with rise and fall of many big and small nations around the world and British Empire was eye-to-eye. From this angle, it tacitly appears that what he did is less for himself but is more for the country and people. Of course, there was his personal ambition stimulating him to do what he did, but this personal ambition died with the person and what is left are the imprints in history and the inspiration people get from such acts. Based on such inspirations, history needs to be valued, reviewed and if needed, then, rewritten, for it to be history as such, because history cannot be a dead object. The protection of national independence and maintenance of Nepalese identity even today has its foundation in the performances of Janga Bahadur Rana.