Voicing the voiceless : resistance of Dalits in Mahasweta Devi's Dhouli

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Department of English
In this research work, the researcher attempts to portray a picture of upper-caste dominance in the then Indian society as well as the Dalit community's resistance to it in Mahasweta Devi’s Dhouli. At the beginning of the novel, Dalits seem to be following all the rules and regulations set by upper caste people. Later, they revolt and get their rights back. Devi choosesTaharr, a real location in India, to tell the realistic tale of Dhouli, Jhalo, Shanichari, Murari and Jhulni in order to illustrate how caste ideologies treat Dalits, and how their collective and individual resistance is crucial in challenging the customs, traditions, and cultures that uphold caste-based oppression and discrimination. To carry out this task, the researcher brings theoretical insights related to Dalit study of B. R. Ambedkar’sAnnihilation of Caste, BishwabhaktaDulal ‘Aahuti’s Varna System and Class Struggle in Nepal, and others too. Overall, this paper attempts to extend the alternatives of maintaining caste equality and freedom in the society in order to make it a better place to live in. Key words: Dalits, Oppression, Exploitation, Sex Toys, Resistance, Victory