George Eliot's The Mill on the Floss: A study of psychosexuality

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Department of English
In the novel The Mill on the Floss, Eliot’s main characters are involved in psychosexual issues. When we delve into the history and context of the text, Eliot’s prime time, we find the Victorian age which deals with various matters in which sex and sexuality stands at top. Being an autobiographical novel of Eliot, she has presented Maggie as herself. Maggie the central character, stands at the centre of psychosexuality and moves the wheel around. Eliot thus explains love, sentiment, sex and sexuality and physical relation of that time. Eliot’s prime concern in this novel is to bring out the social and familial relation and problems. She explains how a little girl opposes and fights with the male ruled society. She also describes the problems she has met and focuses upon the ultimate result which is always unaccepted by the society. Maggie is perfect in her place to love and to be loved, to be played by the destiny. As Maggie, Eliot’s other characters are also the victim of sexuality and psychosexuality. All the characters thus try to fulfill their desires by involvements, seduction and intrigues.