Effectiveness of Trekking Guide Training in Nepal (A Case Study of Tamang Heritage Trail of Rasuwa District)

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Central Departmental of Rural Development
The present study entitled “Effectiveness of Trekking Guide TrainingIn Nepal (A Case Study of Tamang Heritage Trail of Rasuwa District)" has beencarried out by Mr. Raj Kumar Thapa, student of the Central Department ofRural Development, Tribhuvan University and Kirtipur. In the study, the researcher hastried to touch upon a variety of issues related with trekking guide’s daily life. The studysite is characterised by abject poverty, illiteracy and backwardness. With the dominationof typical Tibetan and Tamang culture, the area of unparalleled scenic beauty is anunspoiled place. The area is highly potential for tourism development because of goodcombination of the unique culture and the exceptional natural beauty. Only the efforts ofDDC & TRPAP to bring about changes in the area through social mobilisation,entrepreneurship, infrastructure development, cultural preservation and floating of loansat a cheaper rate are very appreciable. With the intervention of this development agency,the area has witnessed some changes. The process of social mobilisation andtransformation is time taking as well as difficult. Despite huge prospects, tourism has not become a major source of income for thelocals and this profession is not the main occupation of local inhabitant. One of themajor reasons for this is that the inflow of tourists into Nepal has been low due to thedecade-long internal conflict coupled with political unrest. As researcher, I found that the income level of the Trekking guide has notincreased as expected. The area still requires necessary focus on education, awareness oftourism and trekking, relating training to the trekking guide and job opportunities. The study isspecialized centered on Effectiveness of Trekking Guide Training inTHT.Sofar as sampling procedures and methods are concerned, random procedure wasadopted according to the nature of topics and universe. Mainly the research is based onquantitative approach and partially qualitative. Questionnaire survey, key informantinterviews and on-the-spot observations were used as tools for primary data collection.