A Study on the Co-Relationship Between sent-Up and the SLC Examination results

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Department of English Education
This study attempts to find out the co-relationship between sent-up and the SLCexamination results in English anddeterminethe factors influencing the result. In order to doso, the researcher collected the primary data from the Principals/ headmasters, SecondaryEnglish Teachers, Question Setters of the SLCEnglish examination, Educationists andCurriculum Designers of English with the help of a set of questionnaires. Similarly, he alsocollected the secondary data from the sampled schools, OCE and CDC Sanothimi, Bhaktapur.For the primary data, the sample population consists ofTwentySecondary EnglishTeachers,FourteenPrincipals/ Headmasters, FiveEducationists, ThreeQuestionSetters of the SLCEnglish examination andTwoCurriculumDesigners of English. For the secondary data, thesample population of the study consists of marks of two hundred and eighty students selectedtwenty students from each fourteen schools that they have secured in the sent up and SLCEnglish examinations of Kathmandu district where the number of boys and girls were notnecessarily accurate. After obtaining primary and secondary data, it hasbeen presented exclusively in thetabular form as well as graphical form in this study.The datawas analysed in terms ofdifferent variables as school, sex and rank and as a whole with the same variableusing thestatistical methods of Mean and Co-relation Analysis. At the end, findings as well asrecommendations have been made. The main objectives of the study were to find out the co-relation between two resultsand determine the factors that influence the result. As a whole, it was found that the co-relationship between two exams was high and influencing factors for results were: gracemarks system,availability of resources and materials, efforts of the students towards theexam, environment in the exam hall, process of examining the answer sheets, presentexamination structure, etc The study is divided into four main chapters and other sub-chapters. The first chapterdeals with general background, English education in Nepal, history of the SLC Englishexamination in Nepal, Importance of the SLC examination in Nepal, English curriculum ofsecondary level, validity, review of the literature, objectives of the study, significance of thestudy and definition of the specific terms. The second chapter deals with it encompasses sources of data, population of thestudy, sample population, sampling process, tools for data collection, process of datacollection and limitations of the study.The third chapter deals with the analysis and interpretation of the data which wereobtained from primary and secondary sources. The data have been interpreted and analysedunder the two main headings: I) Analysis and interpretation of the co-relationship between sent up and theSLC results 2062 in terms of school, sex,rank and nature of school. II) Analysis and interpretation of the opinions of different personalities towardsthe influencing factors for the result. The fourth chapter consists of findings and recommendations.